My Photography Journal

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not a good idea

I love to read about photography and how to take the "perfect" picture. Photography is the HARDEST thing to learn and the more I learn the more flaws I notice in my pictures. I think photographers are somewhat critical at times by noticing the imperfections without seeing the true beauty of the subject. If you look at these 2 pictures of Cassie they are grainy.....I fight with grain all the time. Its called noise and its when you don't have enough light, which produces "noise". I trend I have noticed with some (not all) of my favorite photographers is they are using "noise and grain" as art. So, I thought I would embrace it a little. Here are 2 grainy pics...there I did it.....that was hard for me.

By the way....I am guessing it wasn't a good idea to start a new blog when I have so little to say. Its cold, dreary, Maddox is sick again, and I am itching to take some pictures! On the positive side there are going to be more posts because the weather is supposed to warm up, I am taking Luyce Clair's one year pics Thursday, doing 2 engagement sessions...(which I CAN'T WAIT for).... one Senior session (also very excited for), and a 6 month old session (remember the little boy in the basket/hat). I am really excited about getting my creative juices flowing.

If you want to DROOL over some pictures......go to this blog. This guy is AMAZING....amazing....amazing.

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